The Middle School Program provides a highly individualized and rich educational setting for youth with learning differences. Structured positive behavior support and direct instruction teaching lead to substantial progress in academic skills, social competence,and positive peer relationships. Reading and Math specialists provide targeted intervention services. Students receive support in developing executive function skills and self-regulation. In addition, students participate in music and art electives, and sports.
Curriculum: Middle School students complete a course of study that closely resembles that offered in Alameda Unified School District middle schools for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. They complete 3 years of Reading Intervention or Grade Level English and Language Arts classes, 3 years of Math Intervention or Grade Level Math, 3 years of Science and Social Studies, P.E. and electives. Health is offered on a rotating basis during Science.
Electives: Students participate in electives, which meet twice weekly and change each semester. Elective choices include visual arts, ceramics, drama, recycled art, dance, computer science, yoga, social skills, gardening, cooking, music appreciation and many others.
Athletics: Students rotate through different athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students may participate as members of The Phillips Academy sports team in the Bay Area NPS Sports League for basketball, flag football, softball, and soccer. Practices are twice a week with games and tournaments on Fridays.
Enrichment: The Middle School Program offers a range of student activities, including Spirit Week, Talent Show, service learning, and frequent field trips. Our middle school teachers promote the sciences and technology by taking students on field trips to Crab Cove, the Chabot Space and Science Center, The Tech Museum, and The Exploratorium annually.